"Gelb und Blau" by Claudia Küppers

little blue and little yellow Kanako Minami



A dance-theater piece inspired by a children book "little blue and little yellow" by Leo Leoni is in the process of creation!




02/12/2015 Performance for educators in Theatermuseum

04/12/2015 at 17h Open premiere Theatermuseum Düsseldorf*

05/12/2015 at 16h Theatermuseum Düsseldorf*


20/02/2016 at 16h Theatermuseum Düsseldorf*

21/02/2016 at 15h Theatermuseum Düsseldorf*



*Open performance


Jägerhofstraße 1, 40479 Düsseldorf

Tickets: 0211/8996130 or



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"Shimmering Blue" in TanzFaktur Cologne!



 "Shimmering Blue" by Britta Lieberknecht & Company will be performed in TanzFaktur Cologne. 


Sat. 03/10/2015 at 20.00h


Siegburgerstr. 233 w

50679 Köln

Email: info@tanzfaktur.eu

Telefon: 0221 – 222 00 583

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New Productions by cieLaroque/helene weinzierl!

cieLaroque/ Helene Weinzierl 20 years anniversary




Kanako is going to join productions by cieLaroque/helene weinzierl (Salzburg).











Thu. 18/06/2015

Fri.   19/06/2015

Anniversary project of 20 years cieLaroque

Salzburg (AT), ARGEkultur 

--> Details


Thu. 02/07/2015


Rathausplatz Villach (AT), spectrum Festival

--> Details


"Shimmering Blue" in Bernes Crossing in Cologne!



"Shimmering Blue" by Britta Lieberknecht & Company will be performed in Barnes Crossing Cologne. Don't miss it!



Sat. 07/03/2015 at 20h

Sun. 08/03/2015 at 18h


at Barnes Crossing

Industriestr. 170, 50999 Köln



Tel: 02236-963588

Fax: 02236-963590




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