Kanako Minami is a freelance dancer and is working mainly in Germany.
She was born in Kobe, Japan on 1986.
In 2009 she completed her Bachelor of Movement Science in Dance Major at the JWCPE – Japan Women's College of Physical Education. After that she studied at the CNDC – Centre National de Danse Contemporaine and 2 years at SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance.
In 2012 moved to Germany and worked with various choreographers, such as Willi Dorner (Cie. Willi Dorner), Helene Weinzierl (cieLaroque), Britta Leiberknecht (Britta Liebeknecht & Campany), Slava Gepner (novaTanz), JoaXhim Manger and Yumiko Yoshioka (TEN PEN CHii Artlabor), Claudia Küppers, Yuta Hamaguchi (Yuta Hamaguchi Production) and Doro Eitel (Company urbanReflects).